24/7 Jellies

My friend Luiza Dale asked if I’d collaborate on a project for TXTbooks, and we ended up producing (4) jellyfish-inspired shapes by revolving the characters 2, 4, /, and 7 exactly 360’ around a center axis. The shapes were imported into a web-based 3D environment for a project called ‘BOOK FELL INTO OCEAN” by TXTbooks as part of their collaboration with Printed Matter and NADA (Miami) in 2021. The design speaks loosely to global warming’s impact on both lost shipping containers and jellyfish population booms.

TXTbooks describes the situation, ’[Our] cargo vessel has been shipwrecked en route to Miami, spilling its books and artwork into the ocean. In this web-hosted game, you are the pilot of a Riso-drone: survey the wreckage and compile an ‘insurance damage report’ zine.”

Original URL: shipwreck.artistsbooksmiami.org